1. You Will Likely Get a More Complete Range of Vision When Compared to a Standard Monofocal
The Rayner Rayone EMV is a recently approved monofocal intraocular lens that is available in the United States. It combines the benefits of a new and improved design with a material that has been around for decades. This lens takes advantage of changes in spherical aberration to extend the depth of focus or range of vision. Image 1 below shows the range of a standard monofocal. Image 2 shows the range of the Rayone EMV.

This translates to good distance as well as potential intermediate vision when the targeted outcome is distance. This is different than most traditional monofocal lenses.
2. Monovision May Be Easier to Tolerate
Traditonal monovision or aiming the dominant eye for distance and the nondominant eye for intermediate/near vision is tolerated well by many people. Some, however, are not able to get used to the different in focus points between the eyes. Mini monovision (Non-Dominant eye -0.5 D) may be a better option for them as it is more easily tolerated, and this is where the Rayone EMV comes in. The Rayone EMV has a larger range of vision and allows the lens prescriptions to be closer together for improved tolerance.

3. It has a low rate of glare, halo, and dysphotopsias
Dysphotopsias such as glare and halo are a big problem in the advanced lens market. Some people wonder if the increased range of vision of the Rayone EMV should come with some visual downside. However, Rayner's studies have shown that the incidence of dysphotopsias in the Rayone are at the level of a traditional monofocal. If you are interested in improved range of vision with low risk of side effects, the Rayone EMV lens is worth discussing with your ophthalmologist.
Disclosure: This information is not medical advice nor is it a substitute for advice from your doctor. If you have a cataract or any other eye condition you must consult your eye doctor for the right treatment recommendations or treatment plan. Not all patients are candidates for this lens/procedure.