DRY EYE Education and Treatment
Dry Eye Treatment
What does it feel like?
Burning, stinging, scratching or pain
Tearing or runny eyes
Heavy feeling eyes
Even, Blurry Vision
3 Layer Tear Film
Oil/Lipid Layer - The outer layer prevents evaporation of your tears
Aqueous Layer - This middle layer is the liquid part of the tears that keeps the eye wet
Mucin Layer - The inner layer forms the base tear layer

It's a Tear Film Problem
In dry eye, the tear film is damaged or disrupted in some form
There are 3 layers - Aqueous, Oil, and Mucus
Most often people feel like the eye is not wet enough, which is a problem with the aqueous layer (See Photo of Dry Spots)

1. Lack of Tears (Aqueous)
This is what people thick of when they talk about dry eye
Tears are produced by the lacrimal gland
As we age, less liquid tears are produced
Autoimmune conditions like Sjogrens syndrome can severely reduce tear production
Medications can also reduce tear production like antihistamines or antidepressants
2. Tears dry up too quickly (Oil)
This is called Evaporative Dry Eye
Tears should stay on your eye for at least 10 seconds
Oil glands on your eyelids protect you from this
#1 cause is excessive screen time
Computers, phones, and reading all make this worse
3. Poor tear film composition
Tears are composed of mucin, aqueous, and lipid layers
Oral medication, glaucoma drops, hormone changes all affect the composition of your tears
3 Reasons that Dry Eye Occurs
Dry Eye Testing

3 Ways To Test Dry Eye
Fluorescein Staining
Identify Dry Spot
Measure Tear Break Up Time (TBUT)
- Tests for Inflammation
Schirmer Testing
Measure Tear Production
1. Fluorescein Testing
Have you ever been to the eye doctor and ended up like this?
What is this yellow dye?
It's Fluorescein
Fluorescein is used to measure dry spots on your eye and determine the tear break up time (TBUT)
TBUT is the number of seconds it takes for your tear film to break up
10 seconds or greater is normal

This is an eye after Fluorescein Dye application
We use a Blue Light
Notice the Green Dry Spots (ARROW) near the bottom
You can see single spots as well as collections of dry spots
This is an eye with Moderate/Severe Dry Eye
A person like this may be in pain or they may have no symptoms at all

Tear Break Up Time (TBUT) is an important test
After blinking, we measure how long the tears stay on the eye surface
This is caused by Evaporation
Normal is 10 seconds or greater
People with a Quick TBUT (less than 10 seconds) may notice
Blurry vision

What Directly affects TBUT???
Your Meibomian Glands
These are vertical glands in your eyelid that have a small opening near your eyelashes
They secrete oil every time you blink
Good Oil often means good TBUT
Low Oil means bad TBUT

See Meibomian Gland Testing
The TOP shows healthy glands
The MIDDLE shows mild loss of glands (ARROW)
The BOTTOM shows severe loss of glands
Gland loss means no oil production
No oil production means bad TBUT
2. InflammaDry

InflammaDry measures tear inflammation
We know that tear inflammation is one of the main causes of dry eye
The picture shows the results for a right eye (R) and left eye (L)
A positive result is indicated by a PINK strip
In this case, the right (R) eye is negative/borderline and the left (L) eye is positive (ARROW)
If you have inflammation we can treat you with drops to reduce it
Overview of Dry Eye

PHOTO 1: Good tear film right after blinking
PHOTO 2: Tear film is breaking up after 7 seconds (ARROW)

This is a VIDEO of Tear Break Up Time (TBUT)
The tears evaporate over a period of seconds
Watch the dry areas get larger
People experience this as pain, irritation, and blurry vision
This is made worse by using computers, cell phones, and reading

PHOTO 1: Plugged Glands (ARROW)
PHOTO 2: Glands after expression (ARROW)
1. What is Dry Eye?
There are many different causes of dry eye
You may not make enough tears or your oil glands may not be working
Cell phone and computer use makes dry eye worse
2. Testing for Dry Eye
Learn about Fluorescein staining, Tear break up time (TBUT), Schirmer's testing, and InflammaDry
3. Treatment for Dry Eye
Start with over the counter treatments like Artificial Tears and ointment
Learn about prescription grade medication
Procedures can help you as well

1. Artificial Tears
First line treatment and over the counter
These drops lubricate the surface of the eye
Brands include Systane, Refresh, Genteal, Blink
They come in preserved and preservative free variations
Preservative Free are easier on the eyes
Which variations should I use?
Preservative Free: Contains fewer chemicals like Benzalkonium chloride that can cause irritation. Ok to use 4 or more times per day.
Oil-based: Your tears have oil in them to stop evaporation. These drops attempt to mimic that by adding small amounts of oil.
Gel: This is a thicker drop that stays on the eye longer. It might cause the vision to be blurry temporarily.
Ointment: Thick ointment is often used before bed for moderate/severe dryness. It makes the vision very blurry.
Bottom Line?
Use What You Like: many patients find they have a preference for a specific brand and type of drop
If one brand burns or doesn't feel good, then try another brand
Some patients love the thicker drops, but others think it blurs their vision for a long time
Always follow your doctor's recommendations

2. Anti-inflammatory Drops
Inflammation is one of the main causes of dry eye disease
Pain and irritation is the result of inflammation
It damages the liquid and oil producing glands of the eye resulting in less tears
Anti-inflammatory drops improve comfort and can increase the amount of tear production
Steroid Drops
Steroid eye drops are a temporary treatment for dry eye
They reduce inflammation quickly and can give relief to those suffering from pain
Long term use is possible at low doses, but there can be side effects
The most concerning side effects are pressure elevation and glaucoma
Patients on topical steroids should be followed by their doctor
Anti-inflammatory (Non-Steroid)
Anti-inflammatory drops like Restasis, Xiidra, and Cequa are used for long term treatment
They reduce inflammation, improve comfort, and can help with tear production

3. Punctal Plugs
Punctal plugs work by reducing the drainage of your tears away from the eye
Tears drain through the punctum into the nose
You have a lower and upper punctum
If you plug the punctum, tears stay on the eye longer to provide more lubrication
The lower punctum is most often plugged (ARROW)
The Procedure
Insertion of punctal plugs usually takes less than 1 minute
It is performed by your doctor
The eye is numbed with topical drops
You should feel mild pressure, but no pain
One or both eyes can be plugged
The photo shows a clear plug (ARROW)

4. Tyrvaya Nasal Spray
Increases tear production for a period of hours
The device is placed into the nostril and pushing down releases a spray
One spray causes you to produce more of your own tears
Must be prescribed by your doctor
How it works
Medication within the nostril stimulates a nerve within the nose
This is connected to the glands that produce tears
Increased tear production may occur for a period of hours after using Tyrvaya
Patients may also experience sneezing, nose irritation, and cough

5. Serum Tears
Serum tears (AKA autologous tears) are drops made from your own blood
Blood is drawn and the red blood cells are removed leaving the serum
Serum tears may be a good option if artificial tears and anti-inflammatory drops aren't enough
They have proteins and growth factors found in the serum to promote healing

6. Warm Compresses
Compresses are used to treat meibomian gland disease
Meibomian glands express oil that sits on top of the liquid part of your tear film
That oil prevents evaporation of your tears
Compresses help turn glands that have hardened material back to soft or oily material
Instructions: Warm Compresses
Take a small towel and dip it in warm water
Wring the towel out and make sure that it is not too hot for your face
Place the towel over your closed eyelids for about 5 minutes
Reheat in warm water as needed
Bruder Eye Mask
Masks like the Bruder mask can be used in place of warm compresses
These can be heated in the microwave to the desired temperature
They often stay hot for a longer period of time
Make sure the mask is not too hot before placing on your face